diy stenciled grasscloth wallpaper
Kamis, 16 Januari 2014
i have been coveting the phillip jeffries chain link printed grasscloth from the voyage collection, ever.
i wanted to use it somewhere in my house, but came across a few issues:
1. this stuff is EXPEN$IVE! dang.
2. there is a 2 roll minimum, which is way more than i would need for my mini space.
SO---i decided to make my own knock-off phillip jeffries printed grasscloth.
i am thrilled with the way this project turned out---and you will be happy to know that it is a totally easy, do-able diy project.
no lie.
remember what i started with?
and here is the preliminary design plan:
as you might remember, i was trying to decide what to do with this little vestibule which leads to the master suite and the powder room. i so appreciate all of the votes on which wallpaper i should choose! i decided to opt for the stenciled grasscloth to save some money, since i already had a grasscloth remnant but i was VERY afraid that i was going to ruin it. honestly, i should not have worried so much. with a few basic pointers, it is an easy project to duplicate.
want to tackle a similar project yourself?
here is what you will need:
(spray mount is also helpful for this project! it helps to keep the stencil in place.)
some more info:
* i scored my phillip jeffries grasscloth remnant on ebay for about $60, including shipping, but you could probably find some for less.
* the martha stewart metallic paint in "golden pearl" was the prefect opacity and color for this project! i like how it glimmers just a bit and has a slightly uneven look, plus it was a little more forgiving than a more "solid" color.
*i used the "modern chain link stencil" from stencil boss.
how i did it:
first, i figured out how much paper i needed for the single wall that i was going to stencil. (i opted to only stencil one wall of my little space. the other walls each had a door or opening in them, and i figured it wasn't worth the hassle of having the pattern interrupted. plus, it was much easier to install!) i measured, and added 1/4" to each side and 3" to the length just to make sure i had enough. i used scissors to cut the paper.
once i had the paper cut to size, i laid it down and taped the pieces together from the underside to keep them from shifting. (i kept the factory edges together to make sure my seam was straight and crisp--so, the pieces that i cut with the scissors are on the very outside.)
*i also placed a plastic drop cloth underneath everything to keep paint off my floors.
i dipped a small foam roller into my paint, and then rolled it on a cloth rag. this is a very important step! it helps to evenly distribute the paint and removes any excess which can get under your stencil and ruin the pattern.

using moderate pressure, i rolled over the top of the stencil. since grasscloth is an uneven and rather porous surface, it absorbs quite a bit of paint and took several passes to get an even distribution of paint.
keep moving the stencil, being careful to keep it lined up with the previously stenciled area.
i found that by the time i was done with each section, the stencil was dry enough to move on to the next section, but i kept some paper under it (the paper lining that came with the stencil) under it until i was certain i had it in the correct place.
the only time i that i thought the stencil started to look sloppy was when i was pushing too hard.
(see the area on the middle bottom?) two light coats is better than one heavy one!
the finished product, ready to hang.
* i will be posting about my experiences with actually hanging the grasscloth soon.
here is the AFTER again!

i used spray mount, duct tape and an exacto blade to cover the switch plate. a super easy project---very similar to wrapping a present!

some matching paint (dabbed on with a small brush) helps to camouflage the screws.
i used some spray primer and the same matching paint to disguise the door bell chime.
WELL worth the time and effort! it blends in pretty well and lets the mirror and the wallpaper be the stars of this teeny space.

what do you think??
is this something that you would attempt in your own home?
do you think i made the right decision to just stencil one wall, or would you go ahead and stencil all of them?
Judul: diy stenciled grasscloth wallpaper
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