brass hardware at ikea + other goodies

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 16 Juli 2013 0 komentar
last week, i had a day where i only had ONE of my three kids at home. this never ever seems to happen to me. especially not smack-dab in the middle of summer. i clearly needed to take advantage of this phenomenon!

i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to run to ikea! i had a few things i wanted to check out, and a few things i "needed" to buy. my 9 year old son needed some *ahem* convincing, so i promised him $1 for every place that we long as he didn't complain.  i know, i know. BRILLIANT. 
( feel free to borrow this amazing mothering technique. just note that it works much better when you only have one kid with you...and you only have a few places to go!)

anyway, onto my adventures at ikea....
i was happy to see that ikea now has some darling brushed brass hardware!
totally cute, and totally affordable!

great little lamp. almost bought one, but stopped myself. i may get one next time i return.

i desperately need some storage in my mini office.
i think i might call on BILLY to help me out.
i love the combo of open and closed storage on these...

i really loved this print. it was out of stock in the art section, but i couldn't get it out of my head. 
i might just order it online. or look for something similar on etsy.

i actually bought this little table. i use my computer a lot in bed, and figured this functional little table would be a better place to rest my laptop than the floor.
it looks just like the ones i have seen from crate and barrel and west elm, but it is only $25! 
(dont you love how my son cant sit still long enough for me to take a picture?)

considering this console table for my bonus room. i really need to focus on ONE space at a time, but i keep getting distracted!
i feel a lot like doug the dog in "UP".

anyway, where was i?
ah, yes. ikea. 
the lack wall shelf is now available in some fun new colors and sizes!
these are a great, affordable alternative to the west elm wall shelves.

looking for a great, sturdy simple little table? you cant go wrong with something like this.

i am TOTALLY in love with these new desk legs! the shape is so cute and feminine. i am already dreaming up a way to use these in my daughter charlottes room redo! (yep. getting distracted again.) 

 i am considering this daybed for charlottes room. (clearly, i have a problem staying focused. just as my son has a problem staying still for more than 2 seconds.) i have a few ideas on how to transform it...but still wondering if i should try to make something from scratch, or start with an affordable base like this...
decisions, decisions!

arent these parisian bistro-esque woven chairs great? i always love it when ikea throws in a few items with natural elements like rattan. they can add so much softness and texture to any space!

 the newish tarva dresser is made from solid wood, and the sizes are much better than the rast dresser---ikeas other all wood dresser. (so much easier to hack when a piece is made from real wood!)

we still dont have our closets installed. it is kinda killing me. (i like to organize and love it when everything has a place. kinda hard to put things away in an empty closet.)
i am trying to come up with a way to get that "custom-built-in/high-end" closet look without spending a fortune. i think these malm dressers may play a part in that.

i DID purchase a pair of werna panels in navy for my bonus room:
as well as the stave mirror in white for charlottes closet:

but, i promised myself that i was  going to stay a bit more focused, and try to work on ONE room at a time until it is done. oooohhh! it is so hard though! "SQUIRREL!!" ha! ha!

anyway, it was a good day. grady managed to sit still long enough while eating for me to get a non-blurry picture of him, AND, at the end of the day, he made $5. (and i didnt have to listen to any complaining! worth. every. penny.)

Judul: brass hardware at ikea + other goodies
Ditulis oleh sew4tejhtr6ier
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