design plan: touches of blue dining room

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 10 Juli 2013 0 komentar
a look at the design board for a dining room i recently worked on:

my client already has a set of pretty vintage chairs that she had reupholstered in the geometric blue fabric, and was wanting to frame some blue agates that she had been collecting, but needed a little guidance on pulling the rest of the room together. 

 at the end of every phone consultation, i get so excited for my client and how great i know their room will look if they follow through with the ideas that we discussed. however, i know that it can still be difficult for some to visualize the room the way it CAN be, and it can be daunting to try and explain how things will look to skeptical partners. "you want to put wallpaper WHERE?!"

*this is actually the design board for a PINTEREST board + phone call consultation that i completed a couple of weeks ago. i am really excited about this new service that i will be offering as an add-on to my current pinterest board + phone call consultation!

from now on, if you opt for my pinterest board + phone call consultation (my most popular service!), the fee to add on a design board will only be $40!

here is what my client had to say:

"Just a quick email to say thank you so much.  I really enjoyed consulting with you and appreciate all of your wonderful insights into designing our rooms... I just want to let you know how valuable I found the experience.

I think I visualize pretty well but I have to admit that it was still very helpful to see the board.  I loved seeing it!  I think even more than me, it helped my husband see what we were focusing upon/leaning toward.  I would say that seeing an actual idea board is reassuring, if that makes sense.  Makes me feel more secure about everything we discussed."

interested in working together to create a more beautiful and functional room?
i am now taking clients for august!
email me at to set up a consultation!

Judul: design plan: touches of blue dining room
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