fresh fabric find:victoria larson

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 29 Maret 2011 0 komentar
not long ago, i was contacted by victoria larson about 
the launch of her new textile line.
when i visited her site, i was
really pleased with what i saw:
her fabrics are fun, graphic, unique AND eco-friendly.
i had a hard time selecting a favorite...
 "garden stool"
 "buzzed" in black
 "school of fish"
i have to admit, that this one
might just be my fave.
 "garden stool" in navy + "corinthian"
"school of fish", "sticks", and "pod".
she also has some amazing pillows:
(i am dying over these...
aren't they clever?
must have...)

 fabrics are available in a heavyweight cotton suitable for upholstery, 
or an organic sateen,
and, for a small fee
 can be CUSTOM colored! 
i love this news! 
you can check out victoria's entire line of fabrics here.

Judul: fresh fabric find:victoria larson
Ditulis oleh sew4tejhtr6ier
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