it's been great to have the kids home for the summer. the first week was
r-o-c-k-y. there was a LOT of arguing...i thought i was going to have to keep them in
individual rooms for the rest of the summer. but, we seem to have hit a good stride
and all is going well. for now.
i finally got to catch up with the rest of the world and watch the first few episodes of
million dollar decorators. i agree with
emily...i was definitely entertained, but also
agree with
erica that a few of the comments and the general attitude about spending
other peoples money bothered me. i think my least favorite character on the show
is jeffery alan marks boyfriend/assistant. first of all, i really want to shave his head! ugh.
i swear, if i have to see him run his fingers through that obnoxious head of hair i think
i might get, he is SUCH a snob. and i am also getting sick of kathryn ireland
talking about her chest. we get it. they are big. they are real. let's move on to something else.
i was surprised at how funny and quirky mary mcdonald is...
i am a big fan of her work, and it's been interesting to see a snippet of who she "really is".
i have to admit though, that it was actually very refreshing to see things go wrong...
beds that don't show up, back ordered shower drains,
clients that don't like's not ALL glamour and fun, after all.
i will continue to watch, of course. i can't help myself.
what is it about summer that makes me want to listen to country music?
maybe it reminds me of tennessee? i don't know.
but my kids HATE to be in the car with me from june to august.
i would LOVE to have window boxes all over my house dripping with flowers.
oh, and an herb garden with a paver walkway through it.
hey, ya gotta have dreams, right?
have you seen the caypso st barths collection at target? the colors and patterns are so...summery!
i acutally bought this shirt, and have been wearing it way too much!
i miss the beach.
we are going to alabama this summer for a family reunion, and will be sneaking in a little
time at in orlando and on the gulf coast for florida. i can't wait!
*i hope everyone is having a happy weekend!