instagram updates

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 09 Maret 2012 0 komentar
the last couple of weeks have been really busy, but i have managed to make some progress on 
a few things in my house. 
i just installed the instagram app on my phone, and i thought i would 
share my progress pics a la instagram! 
(love that app, by the way. everything looks so COOL when you instagram it!)
i have a collection of prints and original artwork from artist wolf barsch that i wanted to hang.
in previous homes, these pieces have been hung seperately, but i wanted to hang them
together this time to fill the large blank wall in the dining area. i love that they definitely look like they are
part of a collection, but they are all very different from each other.

i finally decided to pull the trigger on the morten table lamp from west elm for grady's room.
i LOVE the way it looks....the matte charcoal finish and natural colored, slightly textured shade are the
perfect balance to the soft blue grey walls and pattern on the window seat cushion and drapes.

 in my entry, i hung my vintage etching that i found at a thrift store last year. (still need to get that mat's totally off center. grrr...) above it are two organic prints from a local artist that i slipped into frames i had hanging around the house. not counting the new linen mat on the etching, the total cost for this art vignette is right around $55 (including the cost of the frames!).

i also recovered my vintage bamboo chairs with some houndstooth fabric i already had, and topped it
off with a pillow i bought at anthopologie several months ago.

i still have a LOT to do in the house. i kinda feel like the little engine that could. i just need to pace myself and PUSH, and eventually, i just might cross the finish line.
i'm glad y'all are here with me to follow up on me and cheer me on.
happy friday friends!

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