get out.

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 05 Juni 2012 0 komentar's officially summer.
yes, i know i mentioned that on friday, but with three kids, it's kinda a big deal.
no homework. no driving kids to and from school. no waking up at the crack of dawn. no emergency drives to the school for lunch money/forgotten gym clothes/missing homework/lost permission slips.
i really like summer!
one thing i am am looking forward to, besides spending more time with my kids, is eating outside. during the summer months, we eat outside as often as possible. (a much less humid and bug-fillled feat in the west than in the south!)
here are some outdoor spaces that make me want to spend the entire day outside...

casual, chic, traditional and streamlined.

*are you kidding me?
i could hang out here all day. ALL day.

i really love the large pot here. and that retaining wall is really beautiful.

i might be a little too practical for a gravel patio, but i love the way this looks anyway.
(i want to walk outside barefoot and curl up with a magazine and a glass of lemonade...gravel 
patios would wart my toesies!)

how great would  it be to eat here??

this one is perfection.
 i love the huge impact of this rather small space. it feels so private and cozy,
and ulta-elegant.

love this one too.  the wicker furniture is gorgeous paired with the stone floors and vine covered pergola.

love the details in this *simple pool cabana.

ahh. brick pavers and potted boxwood. right up my ally!

rustic elegance.
gorgeous herringbone pattern on the brick patio.
yeah, i know. this is definitely leaning towards the "elegance"....

totally in love this this as well. the outsdoor fireplace acts as a sculptural element, and the
entire scene is so inviting.

to see sources for the above images are on my pinterest board "outdoor living"

Judul: get out.
Ditulis oleh sew4tejhtr6ier
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