Classic Hollywood Movie Spotlight: 'Superman'
Senin, 11 Oktober 2010
Warren Ellis wrote books superhero comics, that's for sure - a man must eat - but Ellis is the most experienced serious, fiercely intelligent stories educate, and entertain. There is always political, always written on the cutting edge of technology, always stories about people on the margins of society, and always, always challenging his readers to the future in which we reflect on all live. They do not exhibit the film, red, which was bought and invented Hollywood. That's great. Congratulations, Ellis.
Red has me thinking, however: Is there a movie on a comic strip that can be called a classic film is based? Blockbuster movies to comic books are usually based either entertain or small price Indie Pop, such as Ghost World are. The great popcorn movies Cartoon easily tended, even if they are entertaining: Fantastic Four, Elektra, Ghost Rider, this kind of thing. Some are better, but not quite classic. Michael Keaton Batman is close. Time will tell about The Dark Night. Watchmen, From Hell and V For Vendetta was, but were not. The story is good for Scott Pilgrim as a cult artifact, but it would be difficult to convince most people that this is a film classic. I will be money for the upcoming Spielberg / Jackson Tin Tin film bring is a great piece of popular entertainment.
The smaller indie films and non-super-heroes have been nice, but none has had the weight and slide it into the classic line for me: Ghost World, Road to Perdition, Art School Confidential, A History of Violence. If a great director is always taken by Charles Burns' Black Hole, it will be something special.
It is of course arbitrary, which is a film classic. Does it mean something that changed the history of cinema? Something without which the film could not exist? Or is it only mean really, the movie totally awesome? For me, it just means a film that changed my life. The animated film, who weigh the most important in my personal canon of classic movies this week:
1978 Superman: The Movie.
Yeah, yeah. He turns back time by flying around the Earth. Spoiler alert. Foams alarm idiocy. And it is not the most difficult thing to swallow one of the film. The hardest part about the movie is the character of Superman. Superman is boring. Why do you think that Batman has worked much better about the movie Superman? Batman someone damaged deep emotion that the crap out of villains suggests, because Mom and Dad are dead. Batman is in our cynical world, and decadent.
Superman on truth, justice and the American Way. It is the hope for the dark. It was not just the fault of Bryan Singer Superman film, which is during the Bush II America fell flat published. Truth, justice and the American way ideas seem incompatible. Working for a Superman movie today, you would have a character that these ideals for the 21st Century, hope and faith and love that is not under the weight of reviving the collapsed could mention irony. That's exactly what Richard Donner did in 1978.
1978th Soaring Trouble in the Middle East, unemployment, stagflation, was the cultural upheavals of the 60s way to cynicism among consumers of 70, the hope for a new face in the White House that dirty against Bears return to office. Richard Donner's Superman Lex Luthor not fight, he fought cynicism.
Grounded in the script on the reality back Lois Lane as a woman of no-nonsense career and played under the motto "truth, justice and the American" dirty out of desperation by a quasi-bankrupt New York for 70 years, said, "Give the absolute truth about the world at the time, layers of irony and cynicism in equal measure, and threw it against the serious attitude of an alien corn fed orphans. It may not have worked, but fortunately for Giving irony is no match for Christopher Reeve.
Reeve is certainly the best actor in over-identification can be destroyed with a roller. It is his own fault. We identify with Reeve Superman so deep, because no one better than he did. Reeve has built a physical performance that got the truth about Superman: Superman and Clark Kent are two roles that corn-fed Iowa boy is playing. Basically he is an orphan who loves to foreign adoptive parents that he truly believes in the American dream, he was given.
Somewhere between the granularity of the world, Reeve thought-out performance and the victory of life over death, I believed him. I believed him absolutely.
I think Superman could defeat death, cynicism, irony and despair.
And that is something I would like to withdraw your classic hero.
Judul: Classic Hollywood Movie Spotlight: 'Superman'
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