3 or 5?

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013 0 komentar
i am trying to choose between these two door styles for our interior doors.
(why do i have such a hard time selecting doors?)
i painted the doors in our last house benjamin moores ONYX (my favorite black), and would like to do something similar in my new house....but i am thinking i want the color to be a little softer. like a deep warm grey color or a rich mushroomy taupe.
anyway, onto the door style:

3 panel?

or 5 panel?

which ones do you like?
OPINIONS needed!
(and you should also know that i prefer one, and my husband prefers the other. so ya'll better like the ones that i like. or else.)

Judul: 3 or 5?
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