grady's bathroom-the new design plan
Kamis, 18 Juli 2013
hang on to your wigs.
i might actually be finishing a room in my new house in the next few weeks!
after 5 years of renting, i feel a little bit like rocky balboa when he climbed up the steps of the museum of art in philly! can you hear "the eye of the tiger" playing softly in your head right now?
i hope so! (becuase i can!)
as i mentioned earlier, the first spaces i will be working on in my house will be the bathrooms. i am going to start with my sons bathroom, which is upstairs, near the bonus room:
while the house was under construction, and i was selecting the tile, vanity, plumbing fixtures and lighting for the bathroom, i came up with this design plan:
now that the "hard" decisions are made, i need to move onto phase 2: the decorative stuff---art/shower curtains/mirror, etc. this bathroom has a simple, masculine feel to it, and i want to inject a little fun with the accessories and art. it needs to function as the "main" bath for guests who are hanging out in the bonus room, but my little man will be the one using it everyday.
i originally wanted to do a screen printed shower curtain, something like this:
however, i also wanted the shower curtain to be open, so i could see the tile work in the bath surround, and ultimately decided that i wanted two panels, so any detail in a "cool" screen printed panel would be lost if it was gathered on the side of the shower.
when i was at home goods a couple of weeks ago, i found a pair of grommet top curtains for $25 that look almost identical to these ikat grommet top curtains from west elm:
i decided that they would make a great addition to the bathroom....they will add subtle pattern and some softness, but still have a masculine look that my son will appreciate.
i want to hang a buffalo print that i have had for a while. (i still love the "tree" print that i have on the first board, but think i will hang that in grady's bedroom instead) i like the graphic feel of the buffalo print, and think the orientation (landscape versus portrait) will work better here.
here is the revised design plan:

still to do:
hanging the other pendant (this just got done last week! (can i get a "CHECK!?")
paint decisions
hardware (towel ring, toilet paper holder)
finding a mirror
hanging/buying the shower curtain rod
final art decisions
buying some baskets for under the vanity
stay tuned! i WILL have this bathroom done by the end of july!
i just need to keep channeling my inner rocky balboa....
Judul: grady's bathroom-the new design plan
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